# Hemolytic Disease of The Newborn
**Hemolytic disease of the newborn** is a condition that can arise if a pregnant woman is [[blood type#Rh Factor|Rh negative]] and the baby she is carrying is [[blood type#Rh Factor|Rh positive]]. It is technically a [[type II hypersensitivity]] reaction. If the mother's [[immune system]] sees the Rh protein, then it would recognize it as foreign and develop antibodies against it. For the first pregnancy of this type, this isn't a problem, as the mother's immune system probably wouldn't have the opportunity to encounter those Rh+ red blood cells in time to make antibodies against it (although it is possible under certain circumstances). However, during birth there is definitely enough blood mixing when the placenta ruptures and the mother's immune system *does* build those antibodies.
The real hypersensitivity reaction occurs later, if that same mother has a second child that is Rh+. In this case she is able to produce [[antibodies|IgG antibodies]] that can cross the placenta and attack the fetus.
Fetuses affected by HDNB are said to have **erythroblastosis fetalis**.
## Risk Factors/Cause
## Signs & Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of hemolytic disease of the newborn
## Treatment
Treatment for hemolytic disease of the newborn consists of
### Prevention
The prevention of hemolytic disease of the newborn is essentially hiding the Rh proteins from the mother in the first place. This is done by giving the mother Rh antibodies, which will bind to any Rh+ blood cells that she may be exposed to, preventing any memory cells from being formed.